Rüsten Sie Ihre FLIR Exx- oder T5xx-Wärmebildkamera mit einem Autoscreen-Modus auf, um den Temperatur-Screening-Prozess zu automatisieren. Lesen Sie mehr.
This fully-automated mode removes the need for constant interaction with the screening station. An operator is needed only to set an initial temperature baseline. From there, Auto screening mode guides the screening subject into position with graphics and text. Pass/fail graphics then direct the individual to continue on or to rescreen after waiting one minute.
Product Features:
- Updates Exx, T5xx and T8xx Series thermal imagers with Auto Screen-EST Mode
- Performs automatic screening with no operator handling required
- Guides screening subject into position with graphics and text
- Pass/fail graphics direct individual to continue on or to rescreen
- Operator is needed only to set initial temperature baseline
- Carries out automatic average sampling with each new screening, ensuring accurate measurements throughout the day